[sword-devel] Site nav changes?
Greg Hellings
2014-03-18 13:40:17 UTC
Have the nav links at the top of the site changed, recently? If memory
serves, I used to navigate to www.crosswire.org/sword and click 'Software'
at the top of the page and be taken to a page where I could find the
download for the engine, yes? Now that leads me to
www.crosswire.org/applications/ and I am unable to find the download URL
for the engine's tarball. Is my memory just slipping, or has this changed
recently? I can't seem to find a way to actually navigate to the URL
http://www.crosswire.org/sword/software/ which probably should have a
direct link with a big, shiny "DOWNLOAD" off our main Sword page.

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DM Smith
2014-03-18 13:47:42 UTC
I think it was a long time ago. Software in the banner consistently leads to www.crosswire.org/applications.

When you get to the applications page, scroll to the software you want and click on it's link. When I scroll to The SWORD Project for Windows and click on its link it goes to the download page.

In Him,
Have the nav links at the top of the site changed, recently? If memory serves, I used to navigate to www.crosswire.org/sword and click 'Software' at the top of the page and be taken to a page where I could find the download for the engine, yes? Now that leads me to www.crosswire.org/applications/ and I am unable to find the download URL for the engine's tarball. Is my memory just slipping, or has this changed recently? I can't seem to find a way to actually navigate to the URL http://www.crosswire.org/sword/software/ which probably should have a direct link with a big, shiny "DOWNLOAD" off our main Sword page.
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Greg Hellings
2014-03-18 13:58:39 UTC
But how do I get to the page I linked - the /sword/software/ landing page,
which is distinct from the /sword/software/biblecs/ page that you're
talking about? The last time I visited the site (I forget when) the
Software link on the Sword section led to the /sword/software/ landing page
from whence I could download the Sword engine itself. At the moment, I
cannot find any discoverable links to this page on the site and just
received a complaint in IRC from a visitor who could not figure out how to
download the Sword API tarballs.

Post by DM Smith
I think it was a long time ago. Software in the banner consistently leads
to www.crosswire.org/applications.
When you get to the applications page, scroll to the software you want and
click on it's link. When I scroll to The SWORD Project for Windows and
click on its link it goes to the download page.
In Him,
Have the nav links at the top of the site changed, recently? If memory
serves, I used to navigate to www.crosswire.org/sword and click
'Software' at the top of the page and be taken to a page where I could find
the download for the engine, yes? Now that leads me to
www.crosswire.org/applications/ and I am unable to find the download URL
for the engine's tarball. Is my memory just slipping, or has this changed
recently? I can't seem to find a way to actually navigate to the URL
http://www.crosswire.org/sword/software/ which probably should have a
direct link with a big, shiny "DOWNLOAD" off our main Sword page.
sword-devel mailing list: sword-devel at crosswire.org
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sword-devel mailing list: sword-devel at crosswire.org
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DM Smith
2014-03-18 14:15:25 UTC
I seem to remember the discussion was that the visitor to crosswire.org is one of three types: user, module developer or code developer. The user was served by the change that was made. The module dev and the code dev were to find what they need in the wiki.

Regarding the tar balls, is that really the appropriate distribution of source these days? Do we want to encourage people getting an aging tarball, perhaps ancient?

On the wiki we have: http://www.crosswire.org/wiki/Tutorial:Compiling_%26_Installing_SWORD
I think that it is sufficient for someone who actually wants to get to the code. Does it need to be a big, shiny DOWNLOAD button?

Perhaps there needs to be a link for the ftp folder containing the tarballs?

In Him,
But how do I get to the page I linked - the /sword/software/ landing page, which is distinct from the /sword/software/biblecs/ page that you're talking about? The last time I visited the site (I forget when) the Software link on the Sword section led to the /sword/software/ landing page from whence I could download the Sword engine itself. At the moment, I cannot find any discoverable links to this page on the site and just received a complaint in IRC from a visitor who could not figure out how to download the Sword API tarballs.
I think it was a long time ago. Software in the banner consistently leads to www.crosswire.org/applications.
When you get to the applications page, scroll to the software you want and click on it's link. When I scroll to The SWORD Project for Windows and click on its link it goes to the download page.
In Him,
Have the nav links at the top of the site changed, recently? If memory serves, I used to navigate to www.crosswire.org/sword and click 'Software' at the top of the page and be taken to a page where I could find the download for the engine, yes? Now that leads me to www.crosswire.org/applications/ and I am unable to find the download URL for the engine's tarball. Is my memory just slipping, or has this changed recently? I can't seem to find a way to actually navigate to the URL http://www.crosswire.org/sword/software/ which probably should have a direct link with a big, shiny "DOWNLOAD" off our main Sword page.
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sword-devel mailing list: sword-devel at crosswire.org
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sword-devel mailing list: sword-devel at crosswire.org
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Greg Hellings
2014-03-18 14:43:58 UTC
I seem to remember the discussion was that the visitor to crosswire.orgis one of three types: user, module developer or code developer. The user
was served by the change that was made. The module dev and the code dev
were to find what they need in the wiki.
Regarding the tar balls, is that really the appropriate distribution of
source these days? Do we want to encourage people getting an aging tarball,
perhaps ancient?
I'm not really aware of any other method of source distribution currently
in circulation unless you count the SRPM that is typically distributed as
fulfillment of the GPL and similar clauses. I believe it is still the
preferred distribution method (one could argue that .tar.gz is the
granddaddy and .tar.bz2 and .tar.xz are now gaining in popularity, but
.tar.gz is still the only source distributing method I find commonly. Only
rarely do I see .zip bundles).
I think that it is sufficient for someone who actually wants to get to the
code. Does it need to be a big, shiny DOWNLOAD button?
I don't see anywhere on that page a link to download the tarball releases
either. It only speaks of pulling from Subversion.
Perhaps there needs to be a link for the ftp folder containing the tarballs?
At the least on the tutorial page, and I also think there should be one
from the root of the /sword/ portion of the site. A quick look at other
major open source project sites and I see a prominent link for "Download"
or "Get ..." on the landing page of every project. http://pidgin.im (this
one changes based on your UserAgent string to be an appropriate binary
download on Windows and OS X, I forget what it links to on Linux),
http://www.firefox.com (again, a single binary app download link),
http://python.org has a large menu item "Downloads" with links to both
binary and source-code distributions, http://xiphos.org/ has a large
Download Now link on the right hand side, http://www.gnome.org has a link
right on the front page "Get Gnome 3" that takes you to directions for
getting it in your distro or downloading the source code. It seems to me
this is the general rule of thumb for open source project landing pages. To
be fair, CrossWire is probably more like Apache than any of these others,
which are all single-project sites (with the exception of firefox.com which
redirects you to the firefox landing page on mozilla.com). But what does
the main page for the Apache Http Server project look like on Apache's
site? http://projects.apache.org/projects/http_server.html A link directly
to the download and SVN pages on the particular project's main page, etc.
Sword? Currently I have to manually enter a URL to
www.crosswire.org/sword/software/ in order to find the link to download our
source distribution and navigate deep into the wiki to find information on
building it out of svn for myself?

I always thought driving people through the "Software" link was a little
unintuitive, but at least it was discoverable. I don't see how this new
path is even possibly discoverable, let alone a good idea. Yes, driving
people to the client applications is a good idea, since that is what the
majority of people will actually have in mind. But hiding the path to even
get the engine?

In Him,
But how do I get to the page I linked - the /sword/software/ landing page,
which is distinct from the /sword/software/biblecs/ page that you're
talking about? The last time I visited the site (I forget when) the
Software link on the Sword section led to the /sword/software/ landing page
from whence I could download the Sword engine itself. At the moment, I
cannot find any discoverable links to this page on the site and just
received a complaint in IRC from a visitor who could not figure out how to
download the Sword API tarballs.
Post by DM Smith
I think it was a long time ago. Software in the banner consistently leads
to www.crosswire.org/applications.
When you get to the applications page, scroll to the software you want
and click on it's link. When I scroll to The SWORD Project for Windows and
click on its link it goes to the download page.
In Him,
Have the nav links at the top of the site changed, recently? If memory
serves, I used to navigate to www.crosswire.org/sword and click
'Software' at the top of the page and be taken to a page where I could find
the download for the engine, yes? Now that leads me to
www.crosswire.org/applications/ and I am unable to find the download URL
for the engine's tarball. Is my memory just slipping, or has this changed
recently? I can't seem to find a way to actually navigate to the URL
http://www.crosswire.org/sword/software/ which probably should have a
direct link with a big, shiny "DOWNLOAD" off our main Sword page.
sword-devel mailing list: sword-devel at crosswire.org
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sword-devel mailing list: sword-devel at crosswire.org
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sword-devel mailing list: sword-devel at crosswire.org
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sword-devel mailing list: sword-devel at crosswire.org
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Peter von Kaehne
2014-03-18 15:43:29 UTC
Were are the tarballs normally stored? Am fixing things right now.

Greg Hellings
2014-03-18 15:48:50 UTC
http://www.crosswire.org/sword/software/ has links to it
http://www.crosswire.org/ftpmirror/pub/sword/source/ is where all the
previous versions are stored.

Post by Peter von Kaehne
Were are the tarballs normally stored? Am fixing things right now.
sword-devel mailing list: sword-devel at crosswire.org
Instructions to unsubscribe/change your settings at above page
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Greg Hellings
2014-03-18 15:50:33 UTC
Specifically a link should be prominent when people are looking for Sword
to http://www.crosswire.org/sword/software/swordapi.jsp which is the
prettified version of a download page with a direct link to the current
version as well as a link to the archives.

Post by Greg Hellings
http://www.crosswire.org/sword/software/ has links to it
http://www.crosswire.org/ftpmirror/pub/sword/source/ is where all the
previous versions are stored.
Post by Peter von Kaehne
Were are the tarballs normally stored? Am fixing things right now.
sword-devel mailing list: sword-devel at crosswire.org
Instructions to unsubscribe/change your settings at above page
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Troy A. Griffitts
2014-03-18 15:58:13 UTC
I changed crosswire.org site nav recently to drop the .jsp at the end of most sections but didn't intend to actually change anything which would reroute users. I know the api downlink link was in the SWORD site navigation as of 1.7.2 release because this is part of the release process. Any ideas what changed and how? If it is a side effect of my crosswire.org refresh, I apologize and would like to put it back.
Post by Greg Hellings
Specifically a link should be prominent when people are looking for Sword
to http://www.crosswire.org/sword/software/swordapi.jsp which is the
prettified version of a download page with a direct link to the current
version as well as a link to the archives.
On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 10:48 AM, Greg Hellings
Post by Greg Hellings
http://www.crosswire.org/sword/software/ has links to it
http://www.crosswire.org/ftpmirror/pub/sword/source/ is where all the
previous versions are stored.
On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 10:43 AM, Peter von Kaehne <refdoc at gmx.net>
Post by Peter von Kaehne
Were are the tarballs normally stored? Am fixing things right now.
sword-devel mailing list: sword-devel at crosswire.org
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sword-devel mailing list: sword-devel at crosswire.org
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Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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Peter von Kaehne
2014-03-18 15:59:25 UTC
Post by Peter von Kaehne
Were are the tarballs normally stored? Am fixing things right now.
Tell me if there are any dead links left. I think I have fixed things

