[sword-devel] OSIS markup for crossReference notes with content
2014-05-06 19:01:20 UTC

As mentioned in my previous thread, I work on FreJND module, which is
currently available as an old version in CrossWire Beta repository.
FreJND uses OSIS markup, the source is available at

I noticed that in Xiphos I can't access crossReference content. I
reported this as a bug (see
http://sourceforge.net/p/gnomesword/mailman/message/32307118/) and Karl
replied me this a filter issue or wrong markup. So this is why I am here
in order to fix it.
<note osisRef="Gal.3.14" osisID="Gal.3.14_1" n="i" type="crossReference">
litt.: la promesse de l'Esprit ; comparer <reference
osisRef="Acts.2.33">Actes 2:33</reference> (m?me note).
Sometimes the notes contains only a reference tag (in this case there is
no problem), but other times it contains text with.
In Xiphos one can't get the note content (I mean "litt.: la promesse de
l'Esprit ; comparer Actes 2:33 (m?me note)." for the note above).
Obviously it is not the behaviour I expected.

Do we use the right syntax? Should we use type="explanation" as Karl
mentioned in his reply?

2014-06-10 21:12:17 UTC
Below is the other message I posted, about CrossReference notes.
It thought it would be easier if I replied to me, so others can answer
this thread and not somewhere else.
Post by yvand
As mentioned in my previous thread, I work on FreJND module, which is
currently available as an old version in CrossWire Beta repository.
FreJND uses OSIS markup, the source is available at
I noticed that in Xiphos I can't access crossReference content. I
reported this as a bug (see
http://sourceforge.net/p/gnomesword/mailman/message/32307118/) and
Karl replied me this a filter issue or wrong markup. So this is why I
am here in order to fix it.
<note osisRef="Gal.3.14" osisID="Gal.3.14_1" n="i"
litt.: la promesse de l'Esprit ; comparer <reference
osisRef="Acts.2.33">Actes 2:33</reference> (m?me note).
Sometimes the notes contains only a reference tag (in this case there
is no problem), but other times it contains text with.
In Xiphos one can't get the note content (I mean "litt.: la promesse
de l'Esprit ; comparer Actes 2:33 (m?me note)." for the note above).
Obviously it is not the behaviour I expected.
Do we use the right syntax? Should we use type="explanation" as Karl
mentioned in his reply?