[sword-devel] C# runtime problem
Jon Behrens
2014-08-28 02:07:43 UTC
Hello again

I though finding 'libsword.so' would fix the problem, but not so.
Compiling and running
the C# LookupExample in the distribution package still gives the
following error:

Unhandled Exception:
System.EntryPointNotFoundException: org_crosswire_sword_SWMgr_new
at (wrapper managed-to-native)
Sword.NativeMethods:org_crosswire_sword_SWMgr_new ()
at Sword.Manager..ctor () [0x00008] in
at Sword.Tests.LookupExample.Lookup (System.String modName,
System.String key) [0x00001] in
at Sword.Tests.LookupExample.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00020] in
[ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.EntryPointNotFoundException:
at (wrapper managed-to-native)
Sword.NativeMethods:org_crosswire_sword_SWMgr_new ()
at Sword.Manager..ctor () [0x00008] in
at Sword.Tests.LookupExample.Lookup (System.String modName,
System.String key) [0x00001] in
at Sword.Tests.LookupExample.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00020] in

Since I assume the function 'org_crosswire_sword_SWMgr_new()' does in
fact exist in libsword.so, the only thing I can imagine is that there's
a path variable not set somewhere.

As I mentioned before, I'm a real newby to Linux, so this may be
something obvious to
someone with more experience.

Thanks for any help

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Greg Hellings
2014-08-28 02:10:30 UTC
I'm fairly sure that org_crosswire_sword_SWMgr_new() is a specific thing to
the C# bindings. The appropriate namespace in the C++ library is
"sword::SWMgr::new". The org.crosswire part is left out of the C++
namespacing. Perhaps there is a shim library that bridges the gap between
the C++ lib and the C# bindings that's missing?

Post by Jon Behrens
Hello again
I though finding 'libsword.so' would fix the problem, but not so.
Compiling and running
the C# LookupExample in the distribution package still gives the following
System.EntryPointNotFoundException: org_crosswire_sword_SWMgr_new
at (wrapper managed-to-native)
Sword.NativeMethods:org_crosswire_sword_SWMgr_new ()
at Sword.Manager..ctor () [0x00008] in
at Sword.Tests.LookupExample.Lookup (System.String modName,
System.String key) [0x00001] in
at Sword.Tests.LookupExample.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00020] in
at (wrapper managed-to-native)
Sword.NativeMethods:org_crosswire_sword_SWMgr_new ()
at Sword.Manager..ctor () [0x00008] in
at Sword.Tests.LookupExample.Lookup (System.String modName,
System.String key) [0x00001] in
at Sword.Tests.LookupExample.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00020] in
Since I assume the function 'org_crosswire_sword_SWMgr_new()' does in
fact exist in libsword.so, the only thing I can imagine is that there's a
path variable not set somewhere.
As I mentioned before, I'm a real newby to Linux, so this may be something
obvious to
someone with more experience.
Thanks for any help
sword-devel mailing list: sword-devel at crosswire.org
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Troy A. Griffitts
2014-08-28 05:01:40 UTC

The shim is SWORD's flatapi. I still believe libsword.so is not found
by the bindings. How have you made it available?
It should either be:
installed by the make system. If you used autotools to build, then:
sudo make install
or you need to set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable to include a path which
contains libsword.so
Post by Greg Hellings
I'm fairly sure that org_crosswire_sword_SWMgr_new() is a specific
thing to the C# bindings. The appropriate namespace in the C++ library
is "sword::SWMgr::new". The org.crosswire part is left out of the C++
namespacing. Perhaps there is a shim library that bridges the gap
between the C++ lib and the C# bindings that's missing?
On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 9:07 PM, Jon Behrens <jbb at crimsonthread.com
Hello again
I though finding 'libsword.so' would fix the problem, but not so.
Compiling and running
the C# LookupExample in the distribution package still gives the
System.EntryPointNotFoundException: org_crosswire_sword_SWMgr_new
at (wrapper managed-to-native)
Sword.NativeMethods:org_crosswire_sword_SWMgr_new ()
at Sword.Manager..ctor () [0x00008] in
at Sword.Tests.LookupExample.Lookup (System.String modName,
System.String key) [0x00001] in
at Sword.Tests.LookupExample.Main (System.String[] args)
[0x00020] in
System.EntryPointNotFoundException: org_crosswire_sword_SWMgr_new
at (wrapper managed-to-native)
Sword.NativeMethods:org_crosswire_sword_SWMgr_new ()
at Sword.Manager..ctor () [0x00008] in
at Sword.Tests.LookupExample.Lookup (System.String modName,
System.String key) [0x00001] in
at Sword.Tests.LookupExample.Main (System.String[] args)
[0x00020] in
Since I assume the function 'org_crosswire_sword_SWMgr_new()' does
in fact exist in libsword.so, the only thing I can imagine is that
there's a path variable not set somewhere.
As I mentioned before, I'm a real newby to Linux, so this may be
something obvious to
someone with more experience.
Thanks for any help
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Jon Behrens
2014-08-28 20:35:48 UTC
Still no go.

I've completely removed everything, gotten a new copy via SVN and followed
the install instructions included in that distribution.

Everything goes as expected until I get here:

Now let's grab some content:

cd utilities/
sudo ./installmgr -sc
sudo ./installmgr -r CrossWire
sudo ./installmgr -ri CrossWire KJV

The last command returns:
Remote source [CrossWire] does not make available module [KJV]

OK - so I follow the instructions later in the install file and download
KJV.zip and
extract it to /usr/share/sword

I then go to the command line example

Now lets try it out:

cd ../examples/cmdline
./lookup KJV Jn.3.16

The last command returns:
Could not find module [KJV]. Available modules:

This at least tells me that libsword.so is available and working - it
doesn't throw
an exception, just can't find the module.

As advised below, I set LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/lib" which is where setup put
libsword.so. Reboot, open a shell and type 'env' to make sure the path
is set. It is.

Finally, I open MonoDevelop and load up the C# project. Make the project
and try
to run the LookupExample

I still get the same exception.

Again, thanks to all who are trying to help.
Post by Troy A. Griffitts
The shim is SWORD's flatapi. I still believe libsword.so is not found
by the bindings. How have you made it available?
sudo make install
or you need to set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable to include a path
which contains libsword.so
Post by Greg Hellings
I'm fairly sure that org_crosswire_sword_SWMgr_new() is a specific
thing to the C# bindings. The appropriate namespace in the C++
library is "sword::SWMgr::new". The org.crosswire part is left out of
the C++ namespacing. Perhaps there is a shim library that bridges the
gap between the C++ lib and the C# bindings that's missing?
On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 9:07 PM, Jon Behrens <jbb at crimsonthread.com
Hello again
I though finding 'libsword.so' would fix the problem, but not so.
Compiling and running
the C# LookupExample in the distribution package still gives the
System.EntryPointNotFoundException: org_crosswire_sword_SWMgr_new
at (wrapper managed-to-native)
Sword.NativeMethods:org_crosswire_sword_SWMgr_new ()
at Sword.Manager..ctor () [0x00008] in
at Sword.Tests.LookupExample.Lookup (System.String modName,
System.String key) [0x00001] in
at Sword.Tests.LookupExample.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00020] in
System.EntryPointNotFoundException: org_crosswire_sword_SWMgr_new
at (wrapper managed-to-native)
Sword.NativeMethods:org_crosswire_sword_SWMgr_new ()
at Sword.Manager..ctor () [0x00008] in
at Sword.Tests.LookupExample.Lookup (System.String modName,
System.String key) [0x00001] in
at Sword.Tests.LookupExample.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00020] in
Since I assume the function 'org_crosswire_sword_SWMgr_new()'
does in fact exist in libsword.so, the only thing I can imagine
is that there's a path variable not set somewhere.
As I mentioned before, I'm a real newby to Linux, so this may be
something obvious to
someone with more experience.
Thanks for any help
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Troy A. Griffitts
2014-08-28 21:30:19 UTC

Yes, you need to be sure your install of SWORD is working well before
trying the bindings.

sudo make install
sudo make install_config


And then you had an internet connection when you typed the installmgr
commands, and agreed to the warning about using remote content?

From the utilities folder, what does: sudo ./installmgr -rl CrossWire
show? It should list available modules in the CrossWire repository.

Do the installmgr commands return positive feedback to you? Here is the
output when I run them on my system:

[(master) scribe at charisLaptop utilities]$ sudo ./installmgr -sc
[ File Bytes: 484 ]
Sync'd config file with master remote source list.

[(master) scribe at charisLaptop utilities]$ sudo ./installmgr -r CrossWire
[ File Bytes: 131843 ]
Remote Source Refreshed

[(master) scribe at charisLaptop utilities]$ sudo ./installmgr -ri
CrossWire KJV
[ Total Bytes: 4294269; Completed Bytes: 0 ]

Downloading (1 of 7): kjvpref.rtf
[ File Bytes: 70500 ]
[ Total Bytes: 4294269; Completed Bytes: 70500 ]

Downloading (2 of 7): nt.bzs
[ File Bytes: 336 ]
[ Total Bytes: 4294269; Completed Bytes: 70836 ]

Downloading (3 of 7): nt.bzv
[ File Bytes: 82460 ]
[ Total Bytes: 4294269; Completed Bytes: 153296 ]

Downloading (4 of 7): nt.bzz
[ File Bytes: 1756115 ]
[ Total Bytes: 4294269; Completed Bytes: 1909411 ]

Downloading (5 of 7): ot.bzs
[ File Bytes: 480 ]
[ Total Bytes: 4294269; Completed Bytes: 1909891 ]

Downloading (6 of 7): ot.bzv
[ File Bytes: 241150 ]
[ Total Bytes: 4294269; Completed Bytes: 2151041 ]

Downloading (7 of 7): ot.bzz
[ File Bytes: 2143228 ]
Installed module: [KJV]
Post by Jon Behrens
Still no go.
I've completely removed everything, gotten a new copy via SVN and followed
the install instructions included in that distribution.
cd utilities/
sudo ./installmgr -sc
sudo ./installmgr -r CrossWire
sudo ./installmgr -ri CrossWire KJV
Remote source [CrossWire] does not make available module [KJV]
OK - so I follow the instructions later in the install file and
download KJV.zip and
extract it to /usr/share/sword
I then go to the command line example
cd ../examples/cmdline
./lookup KJV Jn.3.16
This at least tells me that libsword.so is available and working - it
doesn't throw
an exception, just can't find the module.
As advised below, I set LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/lib" which is where setup put
libsword.so. Reboot, open a shell and type 'env' to make sure the path
is set. It is.
Finally, I open MonoDevelop and load up the C# project. Make the
project and try
to run the LookupExample
I still get the same exception.
Again, thanks to all who are trying to help.
Post by Troy A. Griffitts
The shim is SWORD's flatapi. I still believe libsword.so is not
found by the bindings. How have you made it available?
sudo make install
or you need to set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable to include a path
which contains libsword.so
Post by Greg Hellings
I'm fairly sure that org_crosswire_sword_SWMgr_new() is a specific
thing to the C# bindings. The appropriate namespace in the C++
library is "sword::SWMgr::new". The org.crosswire part is left out
of the C++ namespacing. Perhaps there is a shim library that bridges
the gap between the C++ lib and the C# bindings that's missing?
On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 9:07 PM, Jon Behrens <jbb at crimsonthread.com
Hello again
I though finding 'libsword.so' would fix the problem, but not
so. Compiling and running
the C# LookupExample in the distribution package still gives the
System.EntryPointNotFoundException: org_crosswire_sword_SWMgr_new
at (wrapper managed-to-native)
Sword.NativeMethods:org_crosswire_sword_SWMgr_new ()
at Sword.Manager..ctor () [0x00008] in
at Sword.Tests.LookupExample.Lookup (System.String modName,
System.String key) [0x00001] in
at Sword.Tests.LookupExample.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00020] in
System.EntryPointNotFoundException: org_crosswire_sword_SWMgr_new
at (wrapper managed-to-native)
Sword.NativeMethods:org_crosswire_sword_SWMgr_new ()
at Sword.Manager..ctor () [0x00008] in
at Sword.Tests.LookupExample.Lookup (System.String modName,
System.String key) [0x00001] in
at Sword.Tests.LookupExample.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00020] in
Since I assume the function 'org_crosswire_sword_SWMgr_new()'
does in fact exist in libsword.so, the only thing I can imagine
is that there's a path variable not set somewhere.
As I mentioned before, I'm a real newby to Linux, so this may be
something obvious to
someone with more experience.
Thanks for any help
sword-devel mailing list: sword-devel at crosswire.org
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Jon Behrens
2014-08-29 00:02:51 UTC
Hi Troy

Here's the list I get from the CrossWire repository. KJV is not in that
I've included InstallMgr.conf.




jsb at LinDev:~/sword/utilities > ./installmgr -rl CrossWire
Available Modules:
(be sure to refresh remote source (-r) first for most current list)

*[DTN] (1.0) - Darby Translation Notes
*[2BabDict] (1.0) - Definitions and Symbols from The Two Babylons
*[CBC] (1.1) - Condensed Biblical Cyclopedia
*[AmTract] (1.1) - American Tract Society Bible Dictionary
*[ABS_Essay_GoodSam_SWB] (1.0) - Essays on The Good Samaritan:
Violence on the Road, Social World of Bandits
*[Concord] (2.4) - Book of Concord (Triglot Concordia): The
Symbolical Books of the Ev. Lutheran Church
*[ERcy_en] (1.1) - Ergane Welsh to English Glossary
*[Daily] (1.0) - Jonathan Bagster's Daily Light on the Daily Path
*[ERda_en] (1.1) - Ergane Danish to English Glossary
*[ERca_en] (1.1) - Ergane Catalan to English Glossary
*[ERaf_en] (1.1) - Ergane Afrikaans to English Glossary
*[ERen_ang] (1.1) - Ergane English to Old English Glossary
*[ERen_bs] (1.1) - Ergane English to Bosnian Glossary
*[ERen_ca] (1.1) - Ergane English to Catalan Glossary
*[ERen_cs] (1.1) - Ergane English to Czech Glossary
*[ERen_da] (1.1) - Ergane English to Danish Glossary
*[ERen_de] (1.1) - Ergane English to German Glossary
*[ERen_el] (1.1) - Ergane English to Greek Glossary
*[ERde_en] (1.1) - Ergane German to English Glossary
*[ERen_af] (1.1) - Ergane English to Afrikaans Glossary
*[ERang_en] (1.1) - Ergane Old English to English Glossary
*[ERen_es] (1.1) - Ergane English to Spanish Glossary
*[ERen_fi] (1.1) - Ergane English to Finnish Glossary
*[ERen_fr] (1.1) - Ergane English to French Glossary
*[ERen_fy] (1.1) - Ergane English to Frisian Glossary
*[ERen_ga] (1.1) - Ergane English to Irish Glossary
*[ERen_gd] (1.1) - Ergane English to Scots Gaelic Glossary
*[ERen_grc] (1.1) - Ergane English to Ancient Greek Glossary
*[ERen_haw] (1.1) - Ergane English to Hawaiian Glossary
*[ERen_he] (1.1) - Ergane English to Hebrew Glossary
*[ERen_id] (1.1) - Ergane English to Indonesian Glossary
*[ERen_is] (1.1) - Ergane English to Icelandic Glossary
*[ERen_it] (1.1) - Ergane English to Italian Glossary
*[ERen_ja] (1.1) - Ergane English to Japanese Glossary
*[ERen_ku] (1.1) - Ergane English to Kurdish Glossary
*[ERen_la] (1.1) - Ergane English to Latin Glossary
*[ERen_mi] (1.1) - Ergane English to Maori Glossary
*[ERen_ms] (1.1) - Ergane English to Malay Glossary
*[ERen_mt] (1.1) - Ergane English to Maltese Glossary
*[ERen_nl] (1.1) - Ergane English to Dutch Glossary
*[ERen_no] (1.1) - Ergane English to Norwegian Glossary
*[ERen_pap] (1.1) - Ergane English to Papiamentu Glossary
*[ERen_po] (1.2) - Ergane English to Polish Glossary
*[ERen_pt] (1.1) - Ergane English to Portuguese Glossary
*[ERen_ro] (1.1) - Ergane English to Romanian Glossary
*[ERen_ru] (1.1) - Ergane English to Russian Glossary
*[ERen_sk] (1.1) - Ergane English to Slovak Glossary
*[ERen_sq] (1.1) - Ergane English to Albanian Glossary
*[ERen_sv] (1.1) - Ergane English to Swedish Glossary
*[ERen_sw] (1.1) - Ergane English to Swahili Glossary
*[ERen_tl] (1.1) - Ergane English to Tagalog Glossary
*[ERen_tn] (1.1) - Ergane English to Tswana Glossary
*[ERen_ty] (1.1) - Ergane English to Tahitian Glossary
*[ERen_xEBAR] (1.2) - Ergane English to Bavarian Glossary
*[ERen_xEITZ] (1.2) - Ergane English to Yucatec Glossary
*[ERen_xELMO] (1.2) - Ergane English to Lombard Glossary
*[ERen_xESRN] (1.2) - Ergane English to Sranan Glossary
*[ERen_yo] (1.1) - Ergane English to Yoruba Glossary
*[ERen_zh] (1.1) - Ergane English to Chinese Glossary
*[ERen_zu] (1.1) - Ergane English to Zulu Glossary
*[EReo_en] (1.1) - Ergane Esperanto to English Glossary
*[ERes_en] (1.1) - Ergane Spanish to English Glossary
*[ERfi_en] (1.1) - Ergane Finnish to English Glossary
*[ERfr_en] (1.1) - Ergane French to English Glossary
*[ERfy_en] (1.1) - Ergane Frisian to English Glossary
*[ERga_en] (1.1) - Ergane Irish to English Glossary
*[ERgd_en] (1.1) - Ergane Scots Gaelic to English Glossary
*[ERhu_en] (1.1) - Ergane Hungarian to English Glossary
*[ERid_en] (1.1) - Ergane Indonesian to English Glossary
*[ERis_en] (1.1) - Ergane Icelandic to English Glossary
*[ERit_en] (1.1) - Ergane Italian to English Glossary
*[ERja_en] (1.1) - Ergane Japanese to English Glossary
*[ERku_en] (1.1) - Ergane Kurdish to English Glossary
*[ERla_en] (1.1) - Ergane Latin to English Glossary
*[ERms_en] (1.1) - Ergane Malay to English Glossary
*[ERnl_en] (1.1) - Ergane Dutch to English Glossary
*[ERno_en] (1.1) - Ergane Norwegian to English Glossary
*[ERpap_en] (1.1) - Ergane Papiamentu to English Glossary
*[ERpo_en] (1.2) - Ergane Polish to English Glossary
*[ERpt_en] (1.1) - Ergane Portuguese to English Glossary
*[ERro_en] (1.1) - Ergane Romanian to English Glossary
*[ERru_en] (1.1) - Ergane Russian to English Glossary
*[ERsq_en] (1.1) - Ergane Albanian to English Glossary
*[ERsv_en] (1.1) - Ergane Swedish to English Glossary
*[ERsw_en] (1.1) - Ergane Swahili to English Glossary
*[ERtl_en] (1.1) - Ergane Tagalog to English Glossary
*[ERtr_en] (1.1) - Ergane Turkish to English Glossary
*[ERty_en] (1.1) - Ergane Tahitian to English Glossary
*[ERxEBAR_en] (1.2) - Ergane Bavarian to English Glossary
*[ERxELMO_en] (1.2) - Ergane Lombard to English Glossary
*[ERxESRN_en] (1.2) - Ergane Sranan to English Glossary
*[ERyo_en] (1.1) - Ergane Yoruba to English Glossary
*[ERzu_en] (1.1) - Ergane Zulu to English Glossary
*[Easton] (1.2) - Easton's Bible Dictionary
*[FDaf_en] (1.1) - Freedict Afrikaans to English Glossary
*[FDda_en] (1.1) - Freedict Danish to English Glossary
*[FDen_af] (1.1) - Freedict English to Afrikaans Glossary
*[FDen_da] (1.1) - Freedict English to Danish Glossary
*[FDen_de] (1.1) - Freedict English to German Glossary
*[FDen_es] (1.1) - Freedict English to Spanish Glossary
*[FDen_fi] (1.1) - Freedict English to Finnish Glossary
*[FDen_fr] (1.1) - Freedict English to French Glossary
*[FDen_it] (1.1) - Freedict English to Italian Glossary
*[FDen_nl] (1.1) - Freedict English to Dutch Glossary
*[FDen_no] (1.1) - Freedict English to Norwegian Glossary
*[FDen_pt] (1.1) - Freedict English to Portuguese Glossary
*[FDen_sv] (1.1) - Freedict English to Swedish Glossary
*[FDfi_en] (1.1) - Freedict Finnish to English Glossary
*[FDla_en] (1.1) - Freedict Latin to English Glossary
*[FDpt_en] (1.1) - Freedict Portuguese to English Glossary
*[FDsv_en] (1.1) - Freedict Swedish to English Glossary
*[Finney] (1.1) - Sermons on Gospel Themes by Charles G. Finney
*[FreGBM] (1.0) - Glossary of the Bible David Martin 1744
*[FrePilgrim] (1.0) - Le voyage du Chr?tien ? la cit? Celeste
*[GerAugustinus] (1.5) - Augustines Confessions (German)
*[GerLutherpredigten] (1.5.1) - Eine Sammlung von Lutherpredigtem
*[GreekHebrew] (1.1) - Greek to Hebrew Dictionary of
Septuagint Words
*[HebrewGreek] (1.1) - Hebrew to Greek Dictionary of
Septuagint Words
*[Heretics] (1.1) - Heretics by Gilbert K. Chesterton (1874-1936)
*[Hitchcock] (1.3) - Hitchcock's Bible Names
*[Imitation] (1.7.1) - Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis
*[Institutes] (1.2) - Calvin's Institutes
*[Josephus] (1.1) - Josephus: The Complete Works
*[KLVen_iklingon] (2.1) - Klingon Language Version English to
Klingon mapping lexicon
*[KLViklingon_en] (2.1) - Klingon Language Version Klingon to
English mapping lexicon
*[LawGospel] (2.1) - Walther's Law and Gospel
*[MAK] (1.0) - Matthias Ansorgs Kommentar
*[MHCC] (1.1) - Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the
Whole Bible
*[MollColossians] (1.0) - Paul's Letter to the Believers at
Colosse - A Series of Devotions by Pastor Randy Moll
*[Nave] (1.1) - Nave's Topical Bible
*[Orthodoxy] (1.0) - Orthodoxy by Gilbert K. Chesterton (1874-1936)
*[Packard] (1.2) - Packard's Morphological Analysis Codes
*[Passion] (1.0) - Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ
*[Personal] (1.0) - Personal Commentary
*[Phaistos] (1.0) - Phaistos Disk
*[Pilgrim] (1.0) - The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan (1628-1688)
*[Practice] (1.0) - The Practice of the Presence of God: The Best
Rule of Holy Life by Brother Lawrence (Nicholas Herman, 1605-1691)
*[Rieger] (1.0) - Carl Heinrich Riegers Kommentar
*[SAOA] (1.0) - Scripture Alphabet Of Animals
*[Smith] (1.3) - Smith's Bible Dictionary
*[Spurious] (1.0) - Tischendorf's Spurious Passages of the GNT
*[StrongsGreek] (1.2) - Strong's Greek Bible Dictionary
*[StrongsHebrew] (1.2) - Strong's Hebrew Bible Dictionary
*[TCR] (1.1) - Thompson Chain Topics
*[TFG] (1.5) - The Fourfold Gospel and Commentary on Acts of
*[Torrey] (1.3) - R. A. Torrey's New Topical Textbook
*[Westminster] (1.0) - Westminster Confession & Catechisms
*[ZhEnglish] (1.0) - English/Chinese Dictionary
*[ZhHanzi] (1.0) - Chinese/English Dictionary
*[ZhPinyin] (1.0) - Chinese (Pinyin)/English Dictionary
*[br_en] (1.1) - Breton to English Glossary
*[en_eu] (1.1) - English to Basque Glossary
*[la_en] (1.1) - Latin to English Glossary
Post by Troy A. Griffitts
Yes, you need to be sure your install of SWORD is working well before
trying the bindings.
sudo make install
sudo make install_config
And then you had an internet connection when you typed the installmgr
commands, and agreed to the warning about using remote content?
From the utilities folder, what does: sudo ./installmgr -rl CrossWire
show? It should list available modules in the CrossWire repository.
Do the installmgr commands return positive feedback to you? Here is
[(master) scribe at charisLaptop utilities]$ sudo ./installmgr -sc
484 ]
Sync'd config file with master remote source list.
[(master) scribe at charisLaptop utilities]$ sudo ./installmgr -r CrossWire
131843 ]
Remote Source Refreshed
[(master) scribe at charisLaptop utilities]$ sudo ./installmgr -ri
CrossWire KJV
0 ]
Downloading (1 of 7): kjvpref.rtf
70500 ]
70500 ]
Downloading (2 of 7): nt.bzs
336 ]
70836 ]
Downloading (3 of 7): nt.bzv
82460 ]
153296 ]
Downloading (4 of 7): nt.bzz
1756115 ]
1909411 ]
Downloading (5 of 7): ot.bzs
480 ]
1909891 ]
Downloading (6 of 7): ot.bzv
241150 ]
2151041 ]
Downloading (7 of 7): ot.bzz
2143228 ]
Installed module: [KJV]
Post by Jon Behrens
Still no go.
I've completely removed everything, gotten a new copy via SVN and followed
the install instructions included in that distribution.
cd utilities/
sudo ./installmgr -sc
sudo ./installmgr -r CrossWire
sudo ./installmgr -ri CrossWire KJV
Remote source [CrossWire] does not make available module [KJV]
OK - so I follow the instructions later in the install file and
download KJV.zip and
extract it to /usr/share/sword
I then go to the command line example
cd ../examples/cmdline
./lookup KJV Jn.3.16
This at least tells me that libsword.so is available and working - it
doesn't throw
an exception, just can't find the module.
As advised below, I set LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/lib" which is where setup put
libsword.so. Reboot, open a shell and type 'env' to make sure the
path is set. It is.
Finally, I open MonoDevelop and load up the C# project. Make the
project and try
to run the LookupExample
I still get the same exception.
Again, thanks to all who are trying to help.
Post by Troy A. Griffitts
The shim is SWORD's flatapi. I still believe libsword.so is not
found by the bindings. How have you made it available?
sudo make install
or you need to set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable to include a path
which contains libsword.so
Post by Greg Hellings
I'm fairly sure that org_crosswire_sword_SWMgr_new() is a specific
thing to the C# bindings. The appropriate namespace in the C++
library is "sword::SWMgr::new". The org.crosswire part is left out
of the C++ namespacing. Perhaps there is a shim library that
bridges the gap between the C++ lib and the C# bindings that's
On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 9:07 PM, Jon Behrens <jbb at crimsonthread.com
Hello again
I though finding 'libsword.so' would fix the problem, but not
so. Compiling and running
the C# LookupExample in the distribution package still gives
System.EntryPointNotFoundException: org_crosswire_sword_SWMgr_new
at (wrapper managed-to-native)
Sword.NativeMethods:org_crosswire_sword_SWMgr_new ()
at Sword.Manager..ctor () [0x00008] in
at Sword.Tests.LookupExample.Lookup (System.String modName,
System.String key) [0x00001] in
at Sword.Tests.LookupExample.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00020] in
System.EntryPointNotFoundException: org_crosswire_sword_SWMgr_new
at (wrapper managed-to-native)
Sword.NativeMethods:org_crosswire_sword_SWMgr_new ()
at Sword.Manager..ctor () [0x00008] in
at Sword.Tests.LookupExample.Lookup (System.String modName,
System.String key) [0x00001] in
at Sword.Tests.LookupExample.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00020] in
Since I assume the function 'org_crosswire_sword_SWMgr_new()'
does in fact exist in libsword.so, the only thing I can imagine
is that there's a path variable not set somewhere.
As I mentioned before, I'm a real newby to Linux, so this may
be something obvious to
someone with more experience.
Thanks for any help
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Troy A. Griffitts
2014-08-29 01:01:03 UTC

My suspicion is that you have a really old version of SWORD on your system somewhere and this is what is being used. You should uninstall all sword packages everywhere if you are using an svn checkout.

The list is showing modules compatible with your sword install and if the KJV module is not showing, it must be very old.

Just my guess,

Post by Jon Behrens
Hi Troy
Here's the list I get from the CrossWire repository. KJV is not in that
I've included InstallMgr.conf.
jsb at LinDev:~/sword/utilities > ./installmgr -rl CrossWire
(be sure to refresh remote source (-r) first for most current list)
*[DTN] (1.0) - Darby Translation Notes
*[2BabDict] (1.0) - Definitions and Symbols from The Two Babylons
*[CBC] (1.1) - Condensed Biblical Cyclopedia
*[AmTract] (1.1) - American Tract Society Bible Dictionary
Violence on the Road, Social World of Bandits
*[Concord] (2.4) - Book of Concord (Triglot Concordia): The
Symbolical Books of the Ev. Lutheran Church
*[ERcy_en] (1.1) - Ergane Welsh to English Glossary
*[Daily] (1.0) - Jonathan Bagster's Daily Light on the Daily Path
*[ERda_en] (1.1) - Ergane Danish to English Glossary
*[ERca_en] (1.1) - Ergane Catalan to English Glossary
*[ERaf_en] (1.1) - Ergane Afrikaans to English Glossary
*[ERen_ang] (1.1) - Ergane English to Old English Glossary
*[ERen_bs] (1.1) - Ergane English to Bosnian Glossary
*[ERen_ca] (1.1) - Ergane English to Catalan Glossary
*[ERen_cs] (1.1) - Ergane English to Czech Glossary
*[ERen_da] (1.1) - Ergane English to Danish Glossary
*[ERen_de] (1.1) - Ergane English to German Glossary
*[ERen_el] (1.1) - Ergane English to Greek Glossary
*[ERde_en] (1.1) - Ergane German to English Glossary
*[ERen_af] (1.1) - Ergane English to Afrikaans Glossary
*[ERang_en] (1.1) - Ergane Old English to English Glossary
*[ERen_es] (1.1) - Ergane English to Spanish Glossary
*[ERen_fi] (1.1) - Ergane English to Finnish Glossary
*[ERen_fr] (1.1) - Ergane English to French Glossary
*[ERen_fy] (1.1) - Ergane English to Frisian Glossary
*[ERen_ga] (1.1) - Ergane English to Irish Glossary
*[ERen_gd] (1.1) - Ergane English to Scots Gaelic Glossary
*[ERen_grc] (1.1) - Ergane English to Ancient Greek Glossary
*[ERen_haw] (1.1) - Ergane English to Hawaiian Glossary
*[ERen_he] (1.1) - Ergane English to Hebrew Glossary
*[ERen_id] (1.1) - Ergane English to Indonesian Glossary
*[ERen_is] (1.1) - Ergane English to Icelandic Glossary
*[ERen_it] (1.1) - Ergane English to Italian Glossary
*[ERen_ja] (1.1) - Ergane English to Japanese Glossary
*[ERen_ku] (1.1) - Ergane English to Kurdish Glossary
*[ERen_la] (1.1) - Ergane English to Latin Glossary
*[ERen_mi] (1.1) - Ergane English to Maori Glossary
*[ERen_ms] (1.1) - Ergane English to Malay Glossary
*[ERen_mt] (1.1) - Ergane English to Maltese Glossary
*[ERen_nl] (1.1) - Ergane English to Dutch Glossary
*[ERen_no] (1.1) - Ergane English to Norwegian Glossary
*[ERen_pap] (1.1) - Ergane English to Papiamentu Glossary
*[ERen_po] (1.2) - Ergane English to Polish Glossary
*[ERen_pt] (1.1) - Ergane English to Portuguese Glossary
*[ERen_ro] (1.1) - Ergane English to Romanian Glossary
*[ERen_ru] (1.1) - Ergane English to Russian Glossary
*[ERen_sk] (1.1) - Ergane English to Slovak Glossary
*[ERen_sq] (1.1) - Ergane English to Albanian Glossary
*[ERen_sv] (1.1) - Ergane English to Swedish Glossary
*[ERen_sw] (1.1) - Ergane English to Swahili Glossary
*[ERen_tl] (1.1) - Ergane English to Tagalog Glossary
*[ERen_tn] (1.1) - Ergane English to Tswana Glossary
*[ERen_ty] (1.1) - Ergane English to Tahitian Glossary
*[ERen_xEBAR] (1.2) - Ergane English to Bavarian Glossary
*[ERen_xEITZ] (1.2) - Ergane English to Yucatec Glossary
*[ERen_xELMO] (1.2) - Ergane English to Lombard Glossary
*[ERen_xESRN] (1.2) - Ergane English to Sranan Glossary
*[ERen_yo] (1.1) - Ergane English to Yoruba Glossary
*[ERen_zh] (1.1) - Ergane English to Chinese Glossary
*[ERen_zu] (1.1) - Ergane English to Zulu Glossary
*[EReo_en] (1.1) - Ergane Esperanto to English Glossary
*[ERes_en] (1.1) - Ergane Spanish to English Glossary
*[ERfi_en] (1.1) - Ergane Finnish to English Glossary
*[ERfr_en] (1.1) - Ergane French to English Glossary
*[ERfy_en] (1.1) - Ergane Frisian to English Glossary
*[ERga_en] (1.1) - Ergane Irish to English Glossary
*[ERgd_en] (1.1) - Ergane Scots Gaelic to English Glossary
*[ERhu_en] (1.1) - Ergane Hungarian to English Glossary
*[ERid_en] (1.1) - Ergane Indonesian to English Glossary
*[ERis_en] (1.1) - Ergane Icelandic to English Glossary
*[ERit_en] (1.1) - Ergane Italian to English Glossary
*[ERja_en] (1.1) - Ergane Japanese to English Glossary
*[ERku_en] (1.1) - Ergane Kurdish to English Glossary
*[ERla_en] (1.1) - Ergane Latin to English Glossary
*[ERms_en] (1.1) - Ergane Malay to English Glossary
*[ERnl_en] (1.1) - Ergane Dutch to English Glossary
*[ERno_en] (1.1) - Ergane Norwegian to English Glossary
*[ERpap_en] (1.1) - Ergane Papiamentu to English Glossary
*[ERpo_en] (1.2) - Ergane Polish to English Glossary
*[ERpt_en] (1.1) - Ergane Portuguese to English Glossary
*[ERro_en] (1.1) - Ergane Romanian to English Glossary
*[ERru_en] (1.1) - Ergane Russian to English Glossary
*[ERsq_en] (1.1) - Ergane Albanian to English Glossary
*[ERsv_en] (1.1) - Ergane Swedish to English Glossary
*[ERsw_en] (1.1) - Ergane Swahili to English Glossary
*[ERtl_en] (1.1) - Ergane Tagalog to English Glossary
*[ERtr_en] (1.1) - Ergane Turkish to English Glossary
*[ERty_en] (1.1) - Ergane Tahitian to English Glossary
*[ERxEBAR_en] (1.2) - Ergane Bavarian to English Glossary
*[ERxELMO_en] (1.2) - Ergane Lombard to English Glossary
*[ERxESRN_en] (1.2) - Ergane Sranan to English Glossary
*[ERyo_en] (1.1) - Ergane Yoruba to English Glossary
*[ERzu_en] (1.1) - Ergane Zulu to English Glossary
*[Easton] (1.2) - Easton's Bible Dictionary
*[FDaf_en] (1.1) - Freedict Afrikaans to English Glossary
*[FDda_en] (1.1) - Freedict Danish to English Glossary
*[FDen_af] (1.1) - Freedict English to Afrikaans Glossary
*[FDen_da] (1.1) - Freedict English to Danish Glossary
*[FDen_de] (1.1) - Freedict English to German Glossary
*[FDen_es] (1.1) - Freedict English to Spanish Glossary
*[FDen_fi] (1.1) - Freedict English to Finnish Glossary
*[FDen_fr] (1.1) - Freedict English to French Glossary
*[FDen_it] (1.1) - Freedict English to Italian Glossary
*[FDen_nl] (1.1) - Freedict English to Dutch Glossary
*[FDen_no] (1.1) - Freedict English to Norwegian Glossary
*[FDen_pt] (1.1) - Freedict English to Portuguese Glossary
*[FDen_sv] (1.1) - Freedict English to Swedish Glossary
*[FDfi_en] (1.1) - Freedict Finnish to English Glossary
*[FDla_en] (1.1) - Freedict Latin to English Glossary
*[FDpt_en] (1.1) - Freedict Portuguese to English Glossary
*[FDsv_en] (1.1) - Freedict Swedish to English Glossary
*[Finney] (1.1) - Sermons on Gospel Themes by Charles G. Finney
*[FreGBM] (1.0) - Glossary of the Bible David Martin 1744
*[FrePilgrim] (1.0) - Le voyage du Chr?tien ? la cit? Celeste
*[GerAugustinus] (1.5) - Augustines Confessions (German)
*[GerLutherpredigten] (1.5.1) - Eine Sammlung von
*[GreekHebrew] (1.1) - Greek to Hebrew Dictionary of
Septuagint Words
*[HebrewGreek] (1.1) - Hebrew to Greek Dictionary of
Septuagint Words
*[Heretics] (1.1) - Heretics by Gilbert K. Chesterton (1874-1936)
*[Hitchcock] (1.3) - Hitchcock's Bible Names
*[Imitation] (1.7.1) - Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis
*[Institutes] (1.2) - Calvin's Institutes
*[Josephus] (1.1) - Josephus: The Complete Works
*[KLVen_iklingon] (2.1) - Klingon Language Version English to
Klingon mapping lexicon
*[KLViklingon_en] (2.1) - Klingon Language Version Klingon to
English mapping lexicon
*[LawGospel] (2.1) - Walther's Law and Gospel
*[MAK] (1.0) - Matthias Ansorgs Kommentar
*[MHCC] (1.1) - Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the
Whole Bible
*[MollColossians] (1.0) - Paul's Letter to the Believers at
Colosse - A Series of Devotions by Pastor Randy Moll
*[Nave] (1.1) - Nave's Topical Bible
*[Orthodoxy] (1.0) - Orthodoxy by Gilbert K. Chesterton
*[Packard] (1.2) - Packard's Morphological Analysis Codes
*[Passion] (1.0) - Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ
*[Personal] (1.0) - Personal Commentary
*[Phaistos] (1.0) - Phaistos Disk
*[Pilgrim] (1.0) - The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan
*[Practice] (1.0) - The Practice of the Presence of God: The Best
Rule of Holy Life by Brother Lawrence (Nicholas Herman, 1605-1691)
*[Rieger] (1.0) - Carl Heinrich Riegers Kommentar
*[SAOA] (1.0) - Scripture Alphabet Of Animals
*[Smith] (1.3) - Smith's Bible Dictionary
*[Spurious] (1.0) - Tischendorf's Spurious Passages of the GNT
*[StrongsGreek] (1.2) - Strong's Greek Bible Dictionary
*[StrongsHebrew] (1.2) - Strong's Hebrew Bible Dictionary
*[TCR] (1.1) - Thompson Chain Topics
*[TFG] (1.5) - The Fourfold Gospel and Commentary on Acts of
*[Torrey] (1.3) - R. A. Torrey's New Topical Textbook
*[Westminster] (1.0) - Westminster Confession & Catechisms
*[ZhEnglish] (1.0) - English/Chinese Dictionary
*[ZhHanzi] (1.0) - Chinese/English Dictionary
*[ZhPinyin] (1.0) - Chinese (Pinyin)/English Dictionary
*[br_en] (1.1) - Breton to English Glossary
*[en_eu] (1.1) - English to Basque Glossary
*[la_en] (1.1) - Latin to English Glossary
Post by Troy A. Griffitts
Yes, you need to be sure your install of SWORD is working well before
trying the bindings.
sudo make install
sudo make install_config
And then you had an internet connection when you typed the installmgr
commands, and agreed to the warning about using remote content?
From the utilities folder, what does: sudo ./installmgr -rl CrossWire
show? It should list available modules in the CrossWire repository.
Do the installmgr commands return positive feedback to you? Here is
[(master) scribe at charisLaptop utilities]$ sudo ./installmgr -sc
484 ]
Post by Troy A. Griffitts
Sync'd config file with master remote source list.
[(master) scribe at charisLaptop utilities]$ sudo ./installmgr -r
Post by Troy A. Griffitts
131843 ]
Post by Troy A. Griffitts
Remote Source Refreshed
[(master) scribe at charisLaptop utilities]$ sudo ./installmgr -ri
CrossWire KJV
0 ]
Downloading (1 of 7): kjvpref.rtf
70500 ]
Post by Troy A. Griffitts
70500 ]
Downloading (2 of 7): nt.bzs
336 ]
Post by Troy A. Griffitts
70836 ]
Downloading (3 of 7): nt.bzv
82460 ]
Post by Troy A. Griffitts
153296 ]
Downloading (4 of 7): nt.bzz
1756115 ]
Post by Troy A. Griffitts
1909411 ]
Downloading (5 of 7): ot.bzs
480 ]
Post by Troy A. Griffitts
1909891 ]
Downloading (6 of 7): ot.bzv
241150 ]
Post by Troy A. Griffitts
2151041 ]
Downloading (7 of 7): ot.bzz
2143228 ]
Post by Troy A. Griffitts
Installed module: [KJV]
Post by Jon Behrens
Still no go.
I've completely removed everything, gotten a new copy via SVN and followed
the install instructions included in that distribution.
cd utilities/
sudo ./installmgr -sc
sudo ./installmgr -r CrossWire
sudo ./installmgr -ri CrossWire KJV
Remote source [CrossWire] does not make available module [KJV]
OK - so I follow the instructions later in the install file and
download KJV.zip and
extract it to /usr/share/sword
I then go to the command line example
cd ../examples/cmdline
./lookup KJV Jn.3.16
This at least tells me that libsword.so is available and working -
Post by Troy A. Griffitts
Post by Jon Behrens
doesn't throw
an exception, just can't find the module.
As advised below, I set LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/lib" which is where setup put
libsword.so. Reboot, open a shell and type 'env' to make sure the
path is set. It is.
Finally, I open MonoDevelop and load up the C# project. Make the
project and try
to run the LookupExample
I still get the same exception.
Again, thanks to all who are trying to help.
Post by Troy A. Griffitts
The shim is SWORD's flatapi. I still believe libsword.so is not
found by the bindings. How have you made it available?
installed by the make system. If you used autotools to build,
sudo make install
or you need to set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable to include a path
which contains libsword.so
Post by Greg Hellings
I'm fairly sure that org_crosswire_sword_SWMgr_new() is a specific
thing to the C# bindings. The appropriate namespace in the C++
library is "sword::SWMgr::new". The org.crosswire part is left out
of the C++ namespacing. Perhaps there is a shim library that
bridges the gap between the C++ lib and the C# bindings that's
On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 9:07 PM, Jon Behrens
<jbb at crimsonthread.com
Post by Troy A. Griffitts
Post by Jon Behrens
Post by Troy A. Griffitts
Post by Greg Hellings
Hello again
I though finding 'libsword.so' would fix the problem, but not
so. Compiling and running
the C# LookupExample in the distribution package still gives
Post by Troy A. Griffitts
Post by Jon Behrens
Post by Troy A. Griffitts
Post by Greg Hellings
at (wrapper managed-to-native)
Sword.NativeMethods:org_crosswire_sword_SWMgr_new ()
at Sword.Manager..ctor () [0x00008] in
at Sword.Tests.LookupExample.Lookup (System.String modName,
System.String key) [0x00001] in
Post by Troy A. Griffitts
Post by Jon Behrens
Post by Troy A. Griffitts
Post by Greg Hellings
at Sword.Tests.LookupExample.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00020] in
Post by Troy A. Griffitts
Post by Jon Behrens
Post by Troy A. Griffitts
Post by Greg Hellings
at (wrapper managed-to-native)
Sword.NativeMethods:org_crosswire_sword_SWMgr_new ()
at Sword.Manager..ctor () [0x00008] in
at Sword.Tests.LookupExample.Lookup (System.String modName,
System.String key) [0x00001] in
Post by Troy A. Griffitts
Post by Jon Behrens
Post by Troy A. Griffitts
Post by Greg Hellings
at Sword.Tests.LookupExample.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00020] in
Post by Troy A. Griffitts
Post by Jon Behrens
Post by Troy A. Griffitts
Post by Greg Hellings
Since I assume the function 'org_crosswire_sword_SWMgr_new()'
does in fact exist in libsword.so, the only thing I can
Post by Troy A. Griffitts
Post by Jon Behrens
Post by Troy A. Griffitts
Post by Greg Hellings
is that there's a path variable not set somewhere.
As I mentioned before, I'm a real newby to Linux, so this may
be something obvious to
someone with more experience.
Thanks for any help
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Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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