[sword-devel] Wordproject(R)
Greg Hellings
2014-04-10 15:52:13 UTC
That text you have copied into your email read, to me, as, "We think our
versions are out of copyright, but if they're not we don't really care
because we think that you can't copyright the Bible." I would be highly
suspicious of the Copyright status of any works found on that site.


On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 10:44 AM, rj_qgsous_sword <
Message-ID: <1397067238654-4653854.post at n4.nabble.com>
There are a number of Bible translations listed here that we've not come
across before.
It would be useful to research which of those not already listed on our
might be worth approaching for distribution permissions.
Message-ID: <1397119898759-4653860.post at n4.nabble.com>
Maybe the mess is more than a technical shortfall.
I now think we need to check whether that have a plausible policy as
copyright statements and permissions.
I see that they also have the Somali KQA translation.
I could ask my contacts at SIM whether Wordproject ever requested
permissions from them.
Observing that it's based in Macao, I'm beginning to wonder if they even
lip-service to the Berne Convention.
I'm fairly busy, and won't mind if someone else finds evidence before I
From what's on their Copyrights page (
http://www.wordproject.org/contact/new/copyrights.htm, extracted from
below), it would seem that concern over this is warranted.
- Russell
Wordproject is a global outreach that uses the Internet as a means to
fulfill the great comission of Jesus Christ laid in the Holy Bible, New
Testament, Mark 16:15 <http://www.wordproject.org/bibles/kj/41/16.htm#15>- "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature".
We publish the Holy Bible in good faith claiming the right of fair use for
non-profit purposes and public benefit.. Most, if not all, of the versions
We acknowledge that the author of the Bible is God<http://www.wordproject.org/bibles/kj/55/3.htm#16>- His rights are forever protected. The translations [of most versions
found on this site] have been done many years ago, therefore in most cases
no longer covered by copyrights. In most countries copyrights last for a
limited time. In any case, with all due respect, Bible translations should
never be copyrighted as that contravenes the desired of the Author - ["Freely
ye have receive, freely give<http://www.wordproject.org/bibles/kj/40/10.htm#8>
"; " He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how
shall he not with him also freely give us all things<http://www.wordproject.org/bibles/kj/45/8.htm#32>".
As for the audio narrations, several have been done or sponsored by
Wordproject. We claim and grant the right to use narrations of the Bible on
good and fair use for non-profit purposes, and we assume the narrators have
done the work also in fulfilment of the great commission<http://www.wordproject.org/bibles/kj/41/16.htm#15>to preach the Gospel to every creature, therefore are happy to see their
work being used for that purpose. A narrator that narrates the Holy Bible
for any other purpose but the one commissioned by the Author Himself, as
clearly stipulated in the works [The Holy Bible], could be found
transgressing on the rights of the Author of the works [God Himself].
As translators and narrators ourselves, we have never been given any
rights over the materials we translated or narrated, and we could never
have claimed them. The Holy Bible, the aim thereof is to be copied and
multiplied many times over to satisfy the needs of the people for God's
Word, should be free of copyrights and its integrity and free distribution
[non commercialization by any means] protected by all Christians, Churches
and Bible Societies.
The above summarizes our stand concerning the translation, and narration
of the Holy Bible in any language, respecting always the opinions of others
and the law, which varies from country to country, therefore making it
impossible to conform through this globalized means.
'The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published
it'. [Psalms 68:11 <http://www.wordproject.org/bibles/kj/19/68.htm#11>]
'Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no
money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money
and without price.' [Isaiah 55:1]<http://www.wordproject.org/bibles/kj/23/55.htm#1>
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David Haslam
2014-04-11 08:07:47 UTC
Or in effect, what they assume is, even if we are copyright infringers, it
takes oodles of cash to pay the lawyers to win a copyright infringement case
in the courts. (Followed by a rude gesture.)


View this message in context: http://sword-dev.350566.n4.nabble.com/Re-Wordproject-R-tp4653869p4653876.html
Sent from the SWORD Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Matej Cepl
2014-04-11 08:40:17 UTC
Post by David Haslam
Or in effect, what they assume is, even if we are copyright infringers, it
takes oodles of cash to pay the lawyers to win a copyright infringement case
in the courts. (Followed by a rude gesture.)
Well, but that would be clearly immoral ... I would presume
innocence at least for hustlers with Bibles.

http://www.ceplovi.cz/matej/, Jabber: mcepl<at>ceplovi.cz
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB 25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC

We are told that [St. Anthony] once fell into dejection, finding
uninterrupted contemplation above his strength; but was taught to
apply himself at intervals to manual labour by a vision of an
angel who appeared platting mats of palm-tree leaves, then rising
to pray, and after some time sitting down again to work; and who
at length said to him, "Do thus, and thou shalt be saved."
-- Life of St. Anthony

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