Laurie Fooks
2014-08-29 02:05:19 UTC
Thankyou for the opportunity to raise my questions on inconsistencies
between front ends in sword. I beleive this was the correct forum for
this as a common interpretation of markup is essential for module
developers. I will attach a summary table of my findings in a
following post. Please contact me directly if the queue is delayed and
you would like a copy.
Thank you all for your responses and I hope that the sword project
contiues to be successful
between front ends in sword. I beleive this was the correct forum for
this as a common interpretation of markup is essential for module
developers. I will attach a summary table of my findings in a
following post. Please contact me directly if the queue is delayed and
you would like a copy.
Thank you all for your responses and I hope that the sword project
contiues to be successful