[sword-devel] Bug in sword engine?
Barry Drake
2014-03-26 10:41:57 UTC
Hi there .... Yesterday, I had to re-install Ubuntu. I rebuilt Sword
and BibleTime in the new environment, and found that something has
changed since the last re-build some three weeks ago. I am currently
working on Brenton's septuagint, including the footnotes, and Brenton
uses a lot of italics that don't match the predefined types that appear
in italics in usfm and OSIS.

The footnote which appears in an older build as:
12.21: Brenton's footnote here says 'The first 20 verses of this chapter
are supplied by the Alex.' He does not, however include the text of
these verses in the appendix, but simply points out the fact in the
footnote above at v. 1, that the substance of the verses is found in the
Vatican copy after v. 24 chap. 12.

(with the appropriate parts italicised) - shows in the present build as:

12.21: Brenton's footnote here says 'The first 20 verses of this chapter
are supplied by the <span class="italic">Alex.' </span> He does not,
however include the text of these verses in the appendix, but simply
points out the fact in the footnote above at v. 1, that the substance of
the verses is found in the Vatican copy after <span class="italic">v.
</span> 24 <span class="italic">chap. </span> 12.

Is this a bug which I ought to report, or is it a recognition of the
fact that the italics class is now deprecated?

God bless, Barry.
David &quot;Judah's Shadow&quot; Blue
2014-03-26 14:01:58 UTC
Is the span tag in HTML or OSIS?
Post by Barry Drake
Hi there .... Yesterday, I had to re-install Ubuntu. I rebuilt Sword
and BibleTime in the new environment, and found that something has
changed since the last re-build some three weeks ago. I am currently
working on Brenton's septuagint, including the footnotes, and Brenton
uses a lot of italics that don't match the predefined types that appear
in italics in usfm and OSIS.
12.21: Brenton's footnote here says 'The first 20 verses of this chapter
are supplied by the Alex.' He does not, however include the text of
these verses in the appendix, but simply points out the fact in the
footnote above at v. 1, that the substance of the verses is found in the
Vatican copy after v. 24 chap. 12.
12.21: Brenton's footnote here says 'The first 20 verses of this chapter
are supplied by the <span class="italic">Alex.' </span> He does not,
however include the text of these verses in the appendix, but simply
points out the fact in the footnote above at v. 1, that the substance of
the verses is found in the Vatican copy after <span class="italic">v.
</span> 24 <span class="italic">chap. </span> 12.
Is this a bug which I ought to report, or is it a recognition of the
fact that the italics class is now deprecated?
God bless, Barry.
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Barry Drake
2014-03-26 15:27:06 UTC
Post by David &quot;Judah's Shadow&quot; Blue
Is the span tag in HTML or OSIS?
OSIS, as converted by osis2mod. The OSIS fragment I gave as an example
<verse sID="1Kgs.14.21" osisID="1Kgs.14.21"/>
<note n="204">14.21: Brenton's footnote here says 'The first 20 verses
of this chapter are supplied by the <hi type="italic">Alex.' </hi> He
does not, however include the text of these verses in the appendix, but
simply points out the fact in the footnote above at v. 1, that the
substance of the verses is found in the Vatican copy after <hi
type="italic">v. </hi> 24 <hi type="italic">chap. </hi> 12.</note>

The OSIS was produced using usfm2mod.py from a usfm file which has this
note as:
\f + \fr 12.21: \ft Brenton's footnote here says 'The first 20 verses of
this chapter are supplied by the \it Alex.' \it* He does not, however
include the text of these verses in the appendix, but simply points out
the fact in the footnote above at v. 1, that the substance of the verses
is found in the Vatican copy after \it v. \it* 24 \it chap. \it* 12. \f*

As I mentioned, the earlier build of BibleTime which I still have on
another computer reads the same module as I would expect.

God bless, Barry.
Barry Drake
2014-03-26 17:17:26 UTC
Post by David &quot;Judah's Shadow&quot; Blue
Is the span tag in HTML or OSIS?
I've just tried using the commandline program 'lookup' from
sword/examples/cmdline The output from the older library and the one I
built yesterday are identical, so I'm probably right in thinking that
this problem is something in the BibleTime frontend. I'll post there and
see what the BibleTime folk think.

God bless, Barry.
