[sword-devel] RTFHTML filter bugs
Jaak Ristioja
2014-05-19 22:09:26 UTC

1) According to http://www.crosswire.org/wiki/DevTools:conf_Files the
\u control word should be followed by a 16-bit signed integer. The
wiki page doesn't mention this, but I assume it is in ASCII in decimal

The RTFHTML filter code appears to incorrectly parse the following

"\u-999999" -> getUTF8FromUniChar(48577)
"\u-99999" -> getUTF8FromUniChar(31073)
"\u-0001" -> getUTF8FromUniChar(65535)
"\u-00" -> getUTF8FromUniChar(0)
"\u-0" -> getUTF8FromUniChar(0)
"\u00" -> getUTF8FromUniChar(0)
"\u001" -> getUTF8FromUniChar(1)
"\u99999" -> getUTF8FromUniChar(34463)
"\u-" -> getUTF8FromUniChar(0)
"\u--" -> getUTF8FromUniChar(0)
"\u--2" -> getUTF8FromUniChar(0)
"\u-a" -> getUTF8FromUniChar(0)

I think all these should instead fail.

2) In case an exception is thrown, text might contain a partial result
or the original value.

3) For control word \pard (and similarly for \par and \qc) it
incorrectly parses \pardx as \pard and "x", where it should instead
fail due to an invalid control word \pardx.

4) \par incorrectly appends a newline.

5) "a\qc b" is converted to "a<center> b", but should instead be
"a<center>b</center>" (' ' RTF delimiter output, missing HTML
</center> tag)

6) "a\par b" is converted to "a<p/> b", but should probably be
"<p>a</p><p>b</p>" (' ' RTF delimiter output, missing HTML <p> and
</p> tags.

7) Weird combinations of \par, \pard and \qc result in broken HTML
fragments or HTML fragments with unbalanced start and end tags.

8) Unsupported control sequences do not cause the function to fail,
but are passed to output as plain text (including the backslash).

8) Unescaped '{', '}' and '\' characters are not handled properly (to
pass these from RTF one would need to use the control symbols "\{",
"\}" and "\\" respectively).

Maybe I'll get around to fix this someday during daytime. To save me
extra work, I'd appreciate any comments on this before I start any
coding, especially if the Sword library needs to deviate from the RTF


PS: I'm glad there are no memory errors in this function. :)
PPS: Please forgive me for having studied formal languages.
David Haslam
2014-05-20 18:01:41 UTC
Take care with Right to Left languages such as Hebrew.

i.e. After any patches to the filter, please include some testing for BiDi
text in the About= field and others.


View this message in context: http://sword-dev.350566.n4.nabble.com/RTFHTML-filter-bugs-tp4653969p4653970.html
Sent from the SWORD Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Jaak Ristioja
2014-05-20 22:27:36 UTC
I've never done BiDi, but I'm not sure I need to take that into account
while fixing the RTF parsing. As I currently understand it, this
particular piece of code does not support any part from the RTF spec
dealing with bidirectional text handling. Hence all BiDi information
contained in the configuration file strings (e.g. About=) is contained
either in the plain ASCII text or the \u<num> Unicode escapes which this
algorithm should pass through unmodified.

...except for HTML entities which should actually be escaped. This bug
in the algorithm I previously failed to notice. Additionally I forgot
that non-ASCII characters in the input string should also lead to
parsing failure.

Post by David Haslam
Take care with Right to Left languages such as Hebrew.
i.e. After any patches to the filter, please include some testing for BiDi
text in the About= field and others.
View this message in context: http://sword-dev.350566.n4.nabble.com/RTFHTML-filter-bugs-tp4653969p4653970.html
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Chris Burrell
2014-05-21 12:19:49 UTC
I believe some conf files have direct unicode (rather than escaped
sequences) in them and that is preferred.
Post by Jaak Ristioja
I've never done BiDi, but I'm not sure I need to take that into account
while fixing the RTF parsing. As I currently understand it, this
particular piece of code does not support any part from the RTF spec
dealing with bidirectional text handling. Hence all BiDi information
contained in the configuration file strings (e.g. About=) is contained
either in the plain ASCII text or the \u<num> Unicode escapes which this
algorithm should pass through unmodified.
...except for HTML entities which should actually be escaped. This bug
in the algorithm I previously failed to notice. Additionally I forgot
that non-ASCII characters in the input string should also lead to
parsing failure.
Post by David Haslam
Take care with Right to Left languages such as Hebrew.
i.e. After any patches to the filter, please include some testing for
Post by David Haslam
text in the About= field and others.
Post by David Haslam
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Jaak Ristioja
2014-05-21 12:59:45 UTC
So this means that actually we want non-standard RTF (someone should
update the wiki). Should we assume UTF-8? Are you sure we don't have any
modules with ISO-8859-something encoded values?

If we choose any ASCII superset encoding we have to consider at least
the two points:

* Since the RTF control words and delimeters are specified in ASCII
only, we need to decide whether how the bytes of the superset act as
delimeters and parts of "RTF" control words. For example, whether the
Unicode letter, number, spacing, punctuation, control etc characters
constitute parts of RTF control words or act as delimiters.

* In case of encodings where characters may consist of multiple bytes
(e.g. the variable-length UTF-8) we must consider the character
bondaries. We can't just pass through any non-ASCII byte values. For
example, the following bit sequence wouldn't make sense:

11100010 01011100 10000010 01110001 10101100 01100011

which is an UTF-8 encoded Euro sign, ?, interleaved with bytes of the
ASCII string "\qc". It just doesn't make sense, whereas the following
sequences would be correct:

11100010 10000010 10101100 01011100 01110001 01100011 (?\qc)
01011100 01110001 01100011 11100010 10000010 10101100 (\qc?)

So depending on the encoding it were correct to detect such cases,
otherwise we end up with invalid Unicode output.

Post by Chris Burrell
I believe some conf files have direct unicode (rather than escaped
sequences) in them and that is preferred.
On 20 May 2014 23:28, "Jaak Ristioja" <jaak at ristioja.ee
I've never done BiDi, but I'm not sure I need to take that into account
while fixing the RTF parsing. As I currently understand it, this
particular piece of code does not support any part from the RTF spec
dealing with bidirectional text handling. Hence all BiDi information
contained in the configuration file strings (e.g. About=) is contained
either in the plain ASCII text or the \u<num> Unicode escapes which this
algorithm should pass through unmodified.
...except for HTML entities which should actually be escaped. This bug
in the algorithm I previously failed to notice. Additionally I forgot
that non-ASCII characters in the input string should also lead to
parsing failure.
Post by David Haslam
Take care with Right to Left languages such as Hebrew.
i.e. After any patches to the filter, please include some testing
for BiDi
Post by David Haslam
text in the About= field and others.
Post by David Haslam
Sent from the SWORD Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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Jaak Ristioja
2014-05-21 13:16:17 UTC
To sum up, we would need to agree on and specify a RTF subset which is
Unicode-aware (UTF-8 only?), and implement an Unicode-aware transducer
for it.
Post by Jaak Ristioja
So this means that actually we want non-standard RTF (someone
should update the wiki). Should we assume UTF-8? Are you sure we
don't have any modules with ISO-8859-something encoded values?
If we choose any ASCII superset encoding we have to consider at
* Since the RTF control words and delimeters are specified in ASCII
only, we need to decide whether how the bytes of the superset act
as delimeters and parts of "RTF" control words. For example,
whether the Unicode letter, number, spacing, punctuation, control
etc characters constitute parts of RTF control words or act as
* In case of encodings where characters may consist of multiple
bytes (e.g. the variable-length UTF-8) we must consider the
character bondaries. We can't just pass through any non-ASCII byte
values. For example, the following bit sequence wouldn't make
11100010 01011100 10000010 01110001 10101100 01100011
which is an UTF-8 encoded Euro sign, ?, interleaved with bytes of
the ASCII string "\qc". It just doesn't make sense, whereas the
11100010 10000010 10101100 01011100 01110001 01100011 (?\qc)
01011100 01110001 01100011 11100010 10000010 10101100 (\qc?)
So depending on the encoding it were correct to detect such cases,
otherwise we end up with invalid Unicode output.
Blessings, Jaak
Post by Chris Burrell
I believe some conf files have direct unicode (rather than
escaped sequences) in them and that is preferred.
On 20 May 2014 23:28, "Jaak Ristioja" <jaak at ristioja.ee
I've never done BiDi, but I'm not sure I need to take that into
account while fixing the RTF parsing. As I currently understand
it, this particular piece of code does not support any part from
the RTF spec dealing with bidirectional text handling. Hence all
BiDi information contained in the configuration file strings
(e.g. About=) is contained either in the plain ASCII text or the
\u<num> Unicode escapes which this algorithm should pass through
...except for HTML entities which should actually be escaped.
This bug in the algorithm I previously failed to notice.
Additionally I forgot that non-ASCII characters in the input
string should also lead to parsing failure.
Post by David Haslam
Take care with Right to Left languages such as Hebrew.
i.e. After any patches to the filter, please include some
for BiDi
Post by David Haslam
text in the About= field and others.
Sent from the SWORD Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Post by Chris Burrell
Post by David Haslam
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DM Smith
2014-05-21 14:45:05 UTC
The encoding of the conf is either cp1252 (the default, but called latin 1) or utf-8. The encoding of the conf matches that of the module. This may cause the conf to be read twice once for the default and once for UTF-8, if the module encoding is set to UTF-8.

There have been confs that are incorrect with regard to this rule.

In Him,
Hash: SHA1
So this means that actually we want non-standard RTF (someone should
update the wiki). Should we assume UTF-8? Are you sure we don't have any
modules with ISO-8859-something encoded values?
If we choose any ASCII superset encoding we have to consider at least
* Since the RTF control words and delimeters are specified in ASCII
only, we need to decide whether how the bytes of the superset act as
delimeters and parts of "RTF" control words. For example, whether the
Unicode letter, number, spacing, punctuation, control etc characters
constitute parts of RTF control words or act as delimiters.
* In case of encodings where characters may consist of multiple bytes
(e.g. the variable-length UTF-8) we must consider the character
bondaries. We can't just pass through any non-ASCII byte values. For
11100010 01011100 10000010 01110001 10101100 01100011
which is an UTF-8 encoded Euro sign, ?, interleaved with bytes of the
ASCII string "\qc". It just doesn't make sense, whereas the following
11100010 10000010 10101100 01011100 01110001 01100011 (?\qc)
01011100 01110001 01100011 11100010 10000010 10101100 (\qc?)
So depending on the encoding it were correct to detect such cases,
otherwise we end up with invalid Unicode output.
Post by Chris Burrell
I believe some conf files have direct unicode (rather than escaped
sequences) in them and that is preferred.
On 20 May 2014 23:28, "Jaak Ristioja" <jaak at ristioja.ee
I've never done BiDi, but I'm not sure I need to take that into account
while fixing the RTF parsing. As I currently understand it, this
particular piece of code does not support any part from the RTF spec
dealing with bidirectional text handling. Hence all BiDi information
contained in the configuration file strings (e.g. About=) is contained
either in the plain ASCII text or the \u<num> Unicode escapes which this
algorithm should pass through unmodified.
...except for HTML entities which should actually be escaped. This bug
in the algorithm I previously failed to notice. Additionally I forgot
that non-ASCII characters in the input string should also lead to
parsing failure.
Post by David Haslam
Take care with Right to Left languages such as Hebrew.
i.e. After any patches to the filter, please include some testing
for BiDi
Post by David Haslam
text in the About= field and others.
Post by David Haslam
Sent from the SWORD Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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Jaak Ristioja
2014-05-22 08:13:13 UTC
I think I don't understand what you're saying. The frontend should
read the configuration twice? Sword should? Huh? I don't understand.
Why this complexity?! Do you mean that:

* Sword reads the entire configuration file as CP1252 encoded
* On failure, re-read the configuration file as UTF-8 encoded


If this is the case, then this is error prone (even when reading only
parts of the configuration), because CP1252 and UTF-8 overlap. Hence
data encoded as UTF-8 might be parsed correctly as valid CP1252, even
though it was intended to be UTF-8. I mean I find it likely that valid
UTF-8 strings might be accepted by a perfectly correct CP1252 encoding
checker as valid CP1252.

Post by DM Smith
The encoding of the conf is either cp1252 (the default, but called
latin 1) or utf-8. The encoding of the conf matches that of the
module. This may cause the conf to be read twice once for the
default and once for UTF-8, if the module encoding is set to
There have been confs that are incorrect with regard to this rule.
In Him, DM
On May 21, 2014, at 8:59 AM, Jaak Ristioja <jaak at ristioja.ee
So this means that actually we want non-standard RTF (someone
should update the wiki). Should we assume UTF-8? Are you sure we
don't have any modules with ISO-8859-something encoded values?
If we choose any ASCII superset encoding we have to consider at
* Since the RTF control words and delimeters are specified in ASCII
only, we need to decide whether how the bytes of the superset act
as delimeters and parts of "RTF" control words. For example,
whether the Unicode letter, number, spacing, punctuation, control
etc characters constitute parts of RTF control words or act as
* In case of encodings where characters may consist of multiple
bytes (e.g. the variable-length UTF-8) we must consider the
character bondaries. We can't just pass through any non-ASCII byte
values. For example, the following bit sequence wouldn't make
11100010 01011100 10000010 01110001 10101100 01100011
which is an UTF-8 encoded Euro sign, ?, interleaved with bytes of
the ASCII string "\qc". It just doesn't make sense, whereas the
11100010 10000010 10101100 01011100 01110001 01100011 (?\qc)
01011100 01110001 01100011 11100010 10000010 10101100 (\qc?)
So depending on the encoding it were correct to detect such cases,
otherwise we end up with invalid Unicode output.
Blessings, Jaak
Post by David Haslam
Post by Chris Burrell
I believe some conf files have direct unicode (rather than
escaped sequences) in them and that is preferred.
On 20 May 2014 23:28, "Jaak Ristioja" <jaak at ristioja.ee
I've never done BiDi, but I'm not sure I need to take that
into account while fixing the RTF parsing. As I currently
understand it, this particular piece of code does not
support any part from the RTF spec dealing with bidirectional
text handling. Hence all BiDi information contained in the
configuration file strings (e.g. About=) is contained either
in the plain ASCII text or the \u<num> Unicode escapes which
this algorithm should pass through unmodified.
...except for HTML entities which should actually be
escaped. This bug in the algorithm I previously failed to
notice. Additionally I forgot that non-ASCII characters in
the input string should also lead to parsing failure.
Post by David Haslam
Take care with Right to Left languages such as Hebrew.
i.e. After any patches to the filter, please include some
for BiDi
Post by David Haslam
text in the About= field and others.
Sent from the SWORD Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com
Post by DM Smith
Post by David Haslam
Post by Chris Burrell
Post by David Haslam
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DM Smith
2014-05-22 11:18:53 UTC
The Encoding field drives the encoding of the file. When not present use the default.

The front end should never read the file. It is the engine's responsibility to do the reading. It is not the reading of the file that may need to be done twice but rather the byte stream/buffer from the file. How it gets the byte stream/buffer for the second (failure) case is its business.

It could *always* read it twice. First time as binary to read the ASCII content of the Encoding= field. The second time to do the charset conversion. But I'm not recommending that.

Btw I work on JSword which parses as it reads the stream from the file. It rewinds the stream if it is UTF-8 and rereads. It is not error prone.

This complexity is due to that's the way it is and we need to support legacy confs.
Hash: SHA1
I think I don't understand what you're saying. The frontend should
read the configuration twice? Sword should? Huh? I don't understand.
* Sword reads the entire configuration file as CP1252 encoded
* On failure, re-read the configuration file as UTF-8 encoded
If this is the case, then this is error prone (even when reading only
parts of the configuration), because CP1252 and UTF-8 overlap. Hence
data encoded as UTF-8 might be parsed correctly as valid CP1252, even
though it was intended to be UTF-8. I mean I find it likely that valid
UTF-8 strings might be accepted by a perfectly correct CP1252 encoding
checker as valid CP1252.
Post by DM Smith
The encoding of the conf is either cp1252 (the default, but called
latin 1) or utf-8. The encoding of the conf matches that of the
module. This may cause the conf to be read twice once for the
default and once for UTF-8, if the module encoding is set to
There have been confs that are incorrect with regard to this rule.
In Him, DM
On May 21, 2014, at 8:59 AM, Jaak Ristioja <jaak at ristioja.ee
So this means that actually we want non-standard RTF (someone
should update the wiki). Should we assume UTF-8? Are you sure we
don't have any modules with ISO-8859-something encoded values?
If we choose any ASCII superset encoding we have to consider at
* Since the RTF control words and delimeters are specified in ASCII
only, we need to decide whether how the bytes of the superset act
as delimeters and parts of "RTF" control words. For example,
whether the Unicode letter, number, spacing, punctuation, control
etc characters constitute parts of RTF control words or act as
* In case of encodings where characters may consist of multiple
bytes (e.g. the variable-length UTF-8) we must consider the
character bondaries. We can't just pass through any non-ASCII byte
values. For example, the following bit sequence wouldn't make
11100010 01011100 10000010 01110001 10101100 01100011
which is an UTF-8 encoded Euro sign, ?, interleaved with bytes of
the ASCII string "\qc". It just doesn't make sense, whereas the
11100010 10000010 10101100 01011100 01110001 01100011 (?\qc)
01011100 01110001 01100011 11100010 10000010 10101100 (\qc?)
So depending on the encoding it were correct to detect such cases,
otherwise we end up with invalid Unicode output.
Blessings, Jaak
Post by David Haslam
Post by Chris Burrell
I believe some conf files have direct unicode (rather than
escaped sequences) in them and that is preferred.
On 20 May 2014 23:28, "Jaak Ristioja" <jaak at ristioja.ee
I've never done BiDi, but I'm not sure I need to take that
into account while fixing the RTF parsing. As I currently
understand it, this particular piece of code does not
support any part from the RTF spec dealing with bidirectional
text handling. Hence all BiDi information contained in the
configuration file strings (e.g. About=) is contained either
in the plain ASCII text or the \u<num> Unicode escapes which
this algorithm should pass through unmodified.
...except for HTML entities which should actually be
escaped. This bug in the algorithm I previously failed to
notice. Additionally I forgot that non-ASCII characters in
the input string should also lead to parsing failure.
Post by David Haslam
Take care with Right to Left languages such as Hebrew.
i.e. After any patches to the filter, please include some
for BiDi
Post by David Haslam
text in the About= field and others.
Sent from the SWORD Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com
Post by DM Smith
Post by David Haslam
Post by Chris Burrell
Post by David Haslam
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Greg Hellings
2014-05-21 16:44:34 UTC
Hash: SHA1
So this means that actually we want non-standard RTF (someone should
update the wiki). Should we assume UTF-8? Are you sure we don't have any
modules with ISO-8859-something encoded values?
The wiki states that the Unicode character is preferred, at least for conf
files, over the RTF escaped value. Specifically it must be Unicode encoded
as UTF 8 or CP1252.
If we choose any ASCII superset encoding we have to consider at least
* Since the RTF control words and delimeters are specified in ASCII
only, we need to decide whether how the bytes of the superset act as
delimeters and parts of "RTF" control words. For example, whether the
Unicode letter, number, spacing, punctuation, control etc characters
constitute parts of RTF control words or act as delimiters.
* In case of encodings where characters may consist of multiple bytes
(e.g. the variable-length UTF-8) we must consider the character
bondaries. We can't just pass through any non-ASCII byte values. For
11100010 01011100 10000010 01110001 10101100 01100011
Did you literally split the individual bytes of the euro character around
the other bytes? What possibly valid encoding permits that? Is that a
valid UTF 8 sequence? If not, then the file fails to be UTF 8 encoded and
the engine either will error or otherwise behave in undefined ways due to
invalid input.

which is an UTF-8 encoded Euro sign, ?, interleaved with bytes of the
ASCII string "\qc". It just doesn't make sense, whereas the following
11100010 10000010 10101100 01011100 01110001 01100011 (?\qc)
01011100 01110001 01100011 11100010 10000010 10101100 (\qc?)
So depending on the encoding it were correct to detect such cases,
otherwise we end up with invalid Unicode output.
Post by Chris Burrell
I believe some conf files have direct unicode (rather than escaped
sequences) in them and that is preferred.
On 20 May 2014 23:28, "Jaak Ristioja" <jaak at ristioja.ee
I've never done BiDi, but I'm not sure I need to take that into account
while fixing the RTF parsing. As I currently understand it, this
particular piece of code does not support any part from the RTF spec
dealing with bidirectional text handling. Hence all BiDi information
contained in the configuration file strings (e.g. About=) is contained
either in the plain ASCII text or the \u<num> Unicode escapes which this
algorithm should pass through unmodified.
...except for HTML entities which should actually be escaped. This bug
in the algorithm I previously failed to notice. Additionally I forgot
that non-ASCII characters in the input string should also lead to
parsing failure.
Post by David Haslam
Take care with Right to Left languages such as Hebrew.
i.e. After any patches to the filter, please include some testing
for BiDi
Post by David Haslam
text in the About= field and others.
Post by Chris Burrell
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Jaak Ristioja
2014-05-22 09:39:01 UTC
Post by Greg Hellings
Post by Jaak Ristioja
So this means that actually we want non-standard RTF (someone
should update the wiki). Should we assume UTF-8? Are you sure we
don't have any modules with ISO-8859-something encoded values?
The wiki states that the Unicode character is preferred, at least
for conf files, over the RTF escaped value. Specifically it must be
Unicode encoded as UTF 8 or CP1252.
Do I get this right, that before parsing any (possibly RTF)
configuration fields, we must parse the Encoding= field to detect the
encoding for all other fields?

IMHO most (!!!) valid UTF-8 is valid CP1252. For example,
11000000 10000001
is a valid UTF-8 bytestream, but not a valid CP1252 bytestream, because
the last byte (0x81) is not defined in CP1252. Additionally,
10000000 00100001
is a valid CP1252 bytestream (euro sign ? and exclamation mark !), but
not a valid UTF-8 bytestream, because UTF-8 characters CAN NOT begin
with 10xxxxxx. However,
11010101 00100001
is both a valid UTF-8 bytestream (1 character) and a CP1252 bytestream
(2 characters), but
10000001 10000001
is neither valid CP1252 nor valid UTF-8.
Post by Greg Hellings
Did you literally split the individual bytes of the euro character
around the other bytes? What possibly valid encoding permits that?
Is that a valid UTF 8 sequence? If not, then the file fails to be
UTF 8 encoded and the engine either will error or otherwise behave
in undefined ways due to invalid input.
Yes I did literally split that. No valid encoding permits that. But of
course we should not assume all user input is valid. To prevent
undefined behaviour, crashes and exploits etc. If the Sword project
wants to allow code with "undefined behaviour" (with respect to the
C++) standard, I do not want to be part of this project.

I suggest we be strict in all parsing, because it could yield in
security issues, as I presented in another thread on this list. If we
want to allow non-conforming user-input, we should at minimum output a
warning, but still do parsing in a secure manner which does not cause
undefined behaviour or provide an attack vector.

Greg Hellings
2014-05-21 17:05:28 UTC
Hash: SHA1
1) According to http://www.crosswire.org/wiki/DevTools:conf_Files the
\u control word should be followed by a 16-bit signed integer. The
wiki page doesn't mention this, but I assume it is in ASCII in decimal
It would be either CP1252 or UTF 8 like the rest of the file.
The RTFHTML filter code appears to incorrectly parse the following
"\u-999999" -> getUTF8FromUniChar(48577)
"\u-99999" -> getUTF8FromUniChar(31073)
"\u-0001" -> getUTF8FromUniChar(65535)
"\u-00" -> getUTF8FromUniChar(0)
"\u-0" -> getUTF8FromUniChar(0)
"\u00" -> getUTF8FromUniChar(0)
"\u001" -> getUTF8FromUniChar(1)
"\u99999" -> getUTF8FromUniChar(34463)
"\u-" -> getUTF8FromUniChar(0)
"\u--" -> getUTF8FromUniChar(0)
"\u--2" -> getUTF8FromUniChar(0)
"\u-a" -> getUTF8FromUniChar(0)
I think all these should instead fail.
The last three should return -, 2, and a respectively if I read the wiki
page correctly that allows a final character to use when the conversion
otherwise won't work.

Why you think the signed values that are zero prefixed should fail I don't
understand. Those which fall beyond the range of a sixteen bit integer are
the only ones I might agree should fall. However, since Unicode now
exceeds sixteen bits, think it is our limitation that ought to change.
2) In case an exception is thrown, text might contain a partial result
or the original value.
3) For control word \pard (and similarly for \par and \qc) it
incorrectly parses \pardx as \pard and "x", where it should instead
fail due to an invalid control word \pardx.
4) \par incorrectly appends a newline.
Why is a newline incorrect? Newlines are mostly ignored in HTML.
5) "a\qc b" is converted to "a<center> b", but should instead be
"a<center>b</center>" (' ' RTF delimiter output, missing HTML
</center> tag)
6) "a\par b" is converted to "a<p/> b", but should probably be
"<p>a</p><p>b</p>" (' ' RTF delimiter output, missing HTML <p> and
</p> tags.
7) Weird combinations of \par, \pard and \qc result in broken HTML
fragments or HTML fragments with unbalanced start and end tags.
I don't believe the contract of this filter guarantees valid HTML, and HTML
allows unbalanced tags. In fact it is preferred in some older HTML specs
for certain tags, p a prominent example of such tags.
8) Unsupported control sequences do not cause the function to fail,
but are passed to output as plain text (including the backslash).
8) Unescaped '{', '}' and '\' characters are not handled properly (to
pass these from RTF one would need to use the control symbols "\{",
"\}" and "\\" respectively).
The rest of your objections seem to be based on a different objective than
SWORD filter objectives. The prose is not to force compliance to a strict
spec but instead to give a "best effort" attempt at conversion. The same
way that most browsers will accept invalid input but make a best effort to
display (unescaped & characters will usually display as is and invalid
nesting such as having a div inside of a p tag still works out somewhat
reasonably) the SWORD engine is lax in what it accepts.

It follows the general maxim "be strict in what you produce but lenient in
what you accept." Crosswire produced content should not include such
invalid input, but the engine is intentionally written to make a best
attempt to handle innocuous invalid input. This is because we want to
encourage as many people as possible to use the engine even if they are not
strict in what they produce.

If there are existing modules with bad content or in places where the
filters are producing invalid output we should fix it, but we don't need to
go and get stringent about the conversion throwing errors or the like
because of an invalid control sequence or an unknown Unicode character.

Maybe I'll get around to fix this someday during daytime. To save me
extra work, I'd appreciate any comments on this before I start any
coding, especially if the Sword library needs to deviate from the RTF
PS: I'm glad there are no memory errors in this function. :)
PPS: Please forgive me for having studied formal languages.
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Jaak Ristioja
2014-05-22 10:33:32 UTC
Post by Greg Hellings
Post by Jaak Ristioja
The RTFHTML filter code appears to incorrectly parse the
"\u-999999" -> getUTF8FromUniChar(48577) "\u-99999" ->
getUTF8FromUniChar(31073) "\u-0001" -> getUTF8FromUniChar(65535)
"\u-00" -> getUTF8FromUniChar(0) "\u-0" -> getUTF8FromUniChar(0)
"\u00" -> getUTF8FromUniChar(0) "\u001" -> getUTF8FromUniChar(1)
"\u99999" -> getUTF8FromUniChar(34463) "\u-" ->
getUTF8FromUniChar(0) "\u--" -> getUTF8FromUniChar(0) "\u--2" ->
getUTF8FromUniChar(0) "\u-a" -> getUTF8FromUniChar(0)
I think all these should instead fail.
The last three should return -, 2, and a respectively if I read the
wiki page correctly that allows a final character to use when the
conversion otherwise won't work.
Ok, I missed the final character thing in both the wiki and the RTF
spec. With respect to our context, the RTF spec points that \u{num}
should immediately followed by an CP1252 character with, optionally, a
keyword-delimiting space between the control word and that character.
If another control word or control symbol follows, it is considered to
be that character.

But I think you are incorrect. "\u--", "\u--2" and "\u-a" should fail
because there is NO signed number. Just "-" is NOT a number. Neither
is "--2", which is an expression at best. I don't see any good reason
why we should allow stuff like "\u------2" or "\u++-+-++-0".
Post by Greg Hellings
Why you think the signed values that are zero prefixed should fail
I don't understand.
Because 0-prefixed representations are in most contexts considered to
be octal.
Post by Greg Hellings
Those which fall beyond the range of a sixteen bit integer are the
only ones I might agree should fall. However, since Unicode now
exceeds sixteen bits, think it is our limitation that ought to
We can't change our limitation, because then we don't have RTF any
more. And as I understand you want backwards compatibility.
Post by Greg Hellings
Post by Jaak Ristioja
4) \par incorrectly appends a newline.
Why is a newline incorrect? Newlines are mostly ignored in HTML.
There is good no reason to append one. Its useless extra data. Even
for debugging purposes. Or, as a counterexample: why not instead
append a pattern of 3 spaces followed a newline repeated 4 times? - it
would be ignored anyway. IMHO, it lacks usefulness.
Post by Greg Hellings
Post by Jaak Ristioja
5) "a\qc b" is converted to "a<center> b", but should instead be
"a<center>b</center>" (' ' RTF delimiter output, missing HTML
</center> tag)
6) "a\par b" is converted to "a<p/> b", but should probably be
"<p>a</p><p>b</p>" (' ' RTF delimiter output, missing HTML <p>
and </p> tags.
7) Weird combinations of \par, \pard and \qc result in broken
HTML fragments or HTML fragments with unbalanced start and end
I don't believe the contract of this filter guarantees valid HTML,
and HTML allows unbalanced tags. In fact it is preferred in some
older HTML specs for certain tags, p a prominent example of such
IMHO you're wrong. At least it is not a valid XHTML (XML) or HTML 5
balanced fragment. I'm not completely sure about earlier HTML
standards. The HTML 5 draft provides a guide on how to handle such
invalid cases, but these are not considered "valid". And as such, one
of two things should happen:
1) we should output valid HTML,
2) users of RTFHTML must fix the output or at least ensure the
output is placed properly, so it doesn't interfere with any HTML
places after the output.
Post by Greg Hellings
Post by Jaak Ristioja
8) Unsupported control sequences do not cause the function to
fail, but are passed to output as plain text (including the
8) Unescaped '{', '}' and '\' characters are not handled properly
(to pass these from RTF one would need to use the control symbols
"\{", "\}" and "\\" respectively).
The rest of your objections seem to be based on a different
objective than SWORD filter objectives. The prose is not to force
compliance to a strict spec but instead to give a "best effort"
attempt at conversion. The same way that most browsers will accept
invalid input but make a best effort to display (unescaped &
characters will usually display as is and invalid nesting such as
having a div inside of a p tag still works out somewhat reasonably)
the SWORD engine is lax in what it accepts.
It follows the general maxim "be strict in what you produce but
lenient in what you accept." Crosswire produced content should not
include such invalid input, but the engine is intentionally written
to make a best attempt to handle innocuous invalid input. This is
because we want to encourage as many people as possible to use the
engine even if they are not strict in what they produce.
Post by Jaak Ristioja
If there are existing modules with bad content or in places where
the filters are producing invalid output we should fix it, but we
don't need to go and get stringent about the conversion throwing
errors or the like because of an invalid control sequence or an
unknown Unicode character.
I have two big with these arguments. First, we have the current
implementation RTFHTML and the wiki page documenting its behaviour,
and these don't match. The current implementation does NOT properly
parse valid RTF. For example, it fails to take into account RTF
delimeters, e.g. "\u8364 ab" should output "?b" if the unicode
character can be displayed, and "ab" otherwise. But currently (I
think) it outputs getUTF8FromUniChar(8364) followed by " ab". Both
ignoring the following character and the delimiter.

Secondly, I've not seen a piece of documentation about accepting lax
behaviour. Even if we do accept invalid input, we should do it in a
safe and secure manner which does not result in invalid output.
Additionally, there should be a switch whether "best effort"
processing on lax input is allowed. Currently RTFHTML always succeeds
without a warning.
