[sword-devel] Locking of Sword modules: How well is this working?
Wolfgang Stradner
2014-06-06 06:56:50 UTC

Modules can be locked in Sword. An example is the Sword-Modul of the
German Bible: 'Hoffnung f?r Alle
(By the way, the copy right of this module belongs to Biblica
<http://www.biblica.com/> now, the former International Bible Society).

My question: How save is this locking, how well does it work? Does
someone know, if this achieves, what it was made for?
Or do you know of instances, where this module is used without paying
the unlocking fee?

Do you have any suggestions how to convince publishers to give the
permission to let material under copyright to be used in Sword in locked

Wolfgang Stradner

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