[sword-devel] bug in the OSIS html filters
Nic Carter
2014-10-04 12:33:40 UTC

I just had it reported that in the SVN version of the OSIS html filters (both the htmlhref and the xhtml, so perhaps elsewhere as well?) opening a "super" tag will create a <sup> html tag and closing a "sup" tag will create a </sup> tag. Closing a "super" tag will instead create a </i> tag.

I have committed a fix to my PS fork but am uncomfortable trying to patch SVN as I already have several changes to osishtmlhref.cpp that may not be accepted in a patch (such as replacing '&' with '&amp;' and removing loads of html elements (such as 'em', 'font' and 'small') and replacing them with a much smaller number of generic elements that use classes for presentation). Also, I haven't had time to investigate how far-reaching the bug is?

Thanks, ybic
nic... :)
